Dr. Mark Perakh (formerly M.Ya. Popereka)


Preliminary Notes

This list encompasses only the material resulting from Perakh's professional activities as a physicist, and only those items published up to 1984. Since then, many more professional papers by Perakh were published. Moreover this list does not include many Perakh's published papers that resulted from his avocation activities (published in magazines like Partisan Review, Midstream, Present Tense, Samtiden, Possev, Kontinent, Ukrainian Quarterly, Suchasnist, and others.  This list also does not include the works of fiction by Perakh.

1. Whereas most of the items listed herein had been originally published in Russian~~ a

considerable portion of them is also available in English translation. The items of this group are indicated in the list

by an asterisk (*)

2. The items which have been submitted directly in English after the author left the USSR are

indicated in the list by a double asterisk (**)

3. Except for few selected cases the Abstracts and very short communications have not been included

in this list.

4. A number of Soviet Patents which had been defined as classified by the Soviet State Committee

of Inventions and Discoveries, have not been included in this list.



A. Publications in the field of Magnetic Films

and adjacent areas... 1

B. Publications in the field of Semiconductor Films

and adjacent areas... 4

C. Publications in the field of Stress and related

areas... 5

D. Publications in the fields of Electrochemical

Processes, Adsorption and Electroplating... 11

B. Miscellaneous Publications... 16

[Note: Scan and OCR of typewritten manuscript done by Wesley R. Elsberry, on 2005/08/27.

Minimal editing done to fix some OCR errors. Content is left as in the original.]


A. Publications in the field of magnetic films and adjacent areas

This Section comprises 35 items. Among them 6 are without co—authors.

1. M.Ya. Popereka and V. Balagurov. Ferromagnetic films having a Negative Poisson ratio. Soviet Physics, Solid

State, 11, 1969,3507—3513. (*)

2. M.Ya. Popereka and B. Zolotkovski. Study of Magnetic Texture in Films by measuring the Galvanomagnetic

Effect. Fizika Metallov and Metallo— vedenie ( Physics of Metals and Metallography) , 32, 1971, 1182-1188


3. M.Ya. Popereka and B. Zolotkovski. Induced Uniaxial Anisotropy in Electrodeposited Iron—Nickel Films.

Fisika Metallov and Metallovedenie,

33, 1972, 64—70 (‘*)

4. M.Ya. Popereka and B. Zolotkovski. Perpendicular Anisotropy in Electrodeposited Iron-Nickel Films. ~izika

Metallov and Metallovedenie, 33, 1972, 268—274 (*)

5. M.Ya. Popereka and A.Susloparov. Reason for Elimination of Barkhausen Discontinuities in Electrodeposited

Films of nickel, iron and Certain Alloys. Fizika metallov and Metallovedenie. 33, 1972,1313~1316(*)

6. M.Ya. Popereka and B. Zolotkovski. Fluctuations in the Anisotropy of Electrodeposited Iron-Nickel Films of

Transcritical Thickness. Fizika Metallov and Metallovedenie, 34, 1972, 217—220. (*)

7. M.Ya. Popereka, A. Lukashenko and B. Zolotkovski. Loops of Magnetic Hysteresis and Domain Structure of

Eiectrodeposited Transcritical Films. Fizika Metallov and Metallovedenie, 34, 1972, 1101-1104 (*)

8. M.Ya. Popereka ans B. Zolotkovski. Perpendicular Anisotropy in Iron-

Nickel Films Based on the Measurement of Galvanomagnetic Effects.

Bull. of the Academy of Sciences of USSR, Physics Series, 36, 1972, 1189-

—1194 (*)

9. M.Ya. Popereka and A. Pishikin. Study of Electrodeposited Rhenium-

-Nickel Films. Part 1: Phase and Chemical Composition. Soviet Physics Journal, No 2, 1969, 7-10. (*)

10. Idem, Part 2: Internal Stress and Ferromagnetic Properties., pp 11-14.

II. M.Ya. Popereka. A. Susloparov and V. Khasankin. An Investigation of Electrodeposited Cylindrical Iron-

Nickel Films of Transcritical Thickness. Part 1: Soviet Physic Journal, No. 2, 1972, 42—46 (*)

12. Idem, Part 2: No 2, 1972, 46—50.


13. Idem, Part 3: No3, 1972, 13—18 (*)

14. Idem, Part 4 : No 3, 18-22 (*)

15. M.Ya. Popereka. The Use of Barkhausen Effect for the Study of Magnetic Films. In Coil. “Magnetic

Coatings”, MDNTP Publ., Moscow 1968, pp. 102—108. (Russian).

16. M.Ya. Popereka, V. Romanov and B. Zolotkovski. Contribution of Internal Stress into the Anisotropy and

Dependence of the Anisotropy on the “technological Magnetic Field. In Coll. “Physics of Films”, v.1, pp 3—12.

Publ. by Kalinin University, 1972.

17. M.Ya. Popereka and B. Zolotkovskj. Dependence of the Perpendicular Magnetic Anisotropy of Iron-Nickel

Films on thickness, current and Thermal Treatment. In coil. “Physics if Films”, v.1, pp. 13-21, Kalinin

Univ., 1972.

18. M.Ya. Popereka and A. Susloparov. Influence of the Diameter and of Preliminary Stretching on the Coercivity

of Cylindrical Magnetic Films. In coil. “Physics of Films”, v.1. pp. 22-28, Kalinjn Univ., 1972.

19. M.Ya. Popereka and A. Susloparov. Density and Electroconductiv±ty of Electrodeposited Iron—Nickel Films.

In coll. “Physics of Fiims”,v.l pp. 37—43, Kalinin Univ., 1972

20. M.Ya. Popereka, A. Susioparov and V. Makarov. Dependence of Magnetic Properties of Cylindrical Iron-

Nickel Films on their thickness. In coil. “Ferromagnetics and Ferroelectrics”, pp. 99-104, Kalinin Univ., 1971.

21. M.Ya. Popereka and A. Pishikin. Density and Electroconductivity of Electrodeposited Nickel-Rhenium Films.

In coil. “Electrodeposited Films”1 pp 132-138. Kalinin Univ., 1970.

22. M.Ya. Popereka and B. Zolotkovskj. Galvanomagnetic Effect in Electrodeposited Nickel-Rhenium Films. In

coil. “Electrodeposited Films”, pp. 139-149.

Kalinin Univ., 1970.

23. M.Ya. Popereka, G. Varlamov and A. Pishikin. Electrocontactuous Properties of Nickel-Rhenium Films. In

coil. “Electrodeposited Films”, pp. 162—167, Kaiinin Univ., 1970.

24. M.Ya. Popereka, G. Varlamov and A. Susloparov. Electrocontactuous properties of Electrodeposited Iron-

Nickel Films.. In coil. Electrodeposited Films”, Pp. 150-161. Kalinin Univ., 1970

25. M.Ya. Popereka and V. Romanov. Measurement of the Differential Magnetic Susceptibility by means of a

phase—sensitive circuit. In coil. “Eiectrodeposjted Films”, pp. 168-173, Kaiinin Univ., 1970.


26. M.Ya. Popereka, V. Makarov and A. Susloparov. Influence of the “Technological” Magnetic Field on the

Magnetic Properties of EJ.ectrodeposited Cylindrical Iron—Nickel Films”. In coil. “Elec— trodeposited Films”, pp.

174—182. Kalinin Univ., 1970.

27,M.Ya. Popereka and V. Gordeeva. X-ray Study of the Ageing in Electrodeposited Films. In coil. “10th Scientific

Conf. of the Novosibirsk Institute of Education”. pp. 75-76, Novosibirsk, 1966.

28. M.Ya. Popereka and B. Zoiotkovskj. In coil. “Proceedings of the 2nd Scientific Conf. of the City of kalinin”,

pp. 217—219, Kalinin, 1969.

29. M.Ya. Popereka and V. Balagurov. Ageing of Nickel Films Deposited a Magnetic Field. Same coil, as item

28, pp. 246—248.

30. M.Ya. Popereka and A. Susloparov. Composition of Electrodeposited Iron—Nickel Films. Same coil, as item

28, pp. 271—273.

31. M.Perakih (M.Ya. Popereka). Anisotropy of Spontaneous Macrostress in

Magnetic Films Induced by Magnetization. Part 1: Anisotropic

Macrostress in Nickel and Iron—Nickel Nacrostress Deposited in

Magnetic Field. J. Electrochemical Soc., 122, 1975, 1260—1263 (**)

32. Idem, Part 2: Dislocationai Model of Anisotropy of Macrostress Induced by Magnetization. J. Electrochem.

Soc. 122, 1975, 1263~i268.(**)

33. M.Ya. Popereka. Curie Points of Eiectrodeposited Nickel Films.

J. Electrochem. Soc., 122, 1975, 92—94. (**)

34. M. Perakh. Investigation of Magnetic ~nisotropy of Deposited Films by Measurement of the

Magnetoresistance Effect. J. Electrochem. Soc.,

123, 1976, 871—878.

35. (Also see Ext. Abstr. 122, Electrochem. Soc. Meeting, vol. 74-2. NY,

1974, p. 286; ~this is the Abstract of item 34).


B. Publications in the field of semiconductor films and adjacent areas.

This Section comprises 15 items.

36. M.Perakh and A. PeJJed. Photodeposited Thin Selenium Films. Bull. of Israel Physical Soc., Haifa, 1976,

pp. 87—88. (**)

37. M. Perakh and A. Peied. Photodeposited Thin Films of Amorphous Selenium. Ext. Abstr. 107, The

Electrochem. Soc., Ann. Meeting v.77—1, Philadelphia, 1977 (**)

38. M. Perakh. A. Peled and Z. Feit. Photodeposition of Amorphous Selenium Films. Part I: Main Features of the

Process; Film Structure. Thin Solid Films, 50, 1978, 273—282 (**)

39. Idem, Part 2: Kinetics Studies. Thin Solid Films, 50, 1978, 283—291 (**)

40. Idem. Part 3: Interpretation of Structural and Kinetic Studies. Thin Solid Films, 50, 1978, 293—300 (**)

41. M.Perakh and H. Ginsburg. Preparation of Thin Films of Sulf ides of Certain Metals by Chemical Deposition.

Bull. Israel Physical Soc., Haifa, 1976, pp. 89—90.

42. M. Perakh and H. Ginsburg. Deposition of Thin Films of HgS from colloid sols. Thin Solid Films, 52, 1978,

195—202 (**)

43. M.Perakh, A. Peled and H. Ginsburg. Photodeposition of Selenium Films. Israeli Patent 40122 of 1978. (**)

44. M. Perakh and A. Peled. Light-Temperature Interference Governing the Inverse/Combined Photoadsorption

and Photodeposition of a-Selenium Films. Ext. Abstracts, 1st Europian Conf. on Surface Science, Nederlands

Tijdschrift voor Vaccumtechniek, Special Issue, Amsterdam, 1978. (**)

45. N. Perakh and A. Peled. Light—Temperature Interference Governing the Combined/Inverse Photoadsorption

and Photodeposition of a—Selenium Films. Surface Science, 80, 1979, 430—440. (**)

46. N. Perakh and A. Peled. Regularities of Photodeposition of a-Selenium Films. (Selor Process). Ext. Abstr.

Israel Phys. Soc., Jerusalem, 1978.

47. M.Perakh, A. Peled and Z. Feit. Influence of Selenofobic Surface Contamination on the Structure of a-

Selenium Films. Proceedings of the 4th International Symposium on Contamination Control, Washington,

DC,l978 (4 pages) - (**)

48. M. Perakh, D. Hibbard and V. Kapur. Patent Dosclosure relating to semiconductor alloy preparation. ARCO

Solar md, 1983.

49. M~Perakh, B. Love, T. Ou and V. Kapur. Patent Disclosure relating to semiconductor alloy preparation.

ARCO Solar Ind,. 1983

50. N. Perakh and V. Kapur. Patent Disclosure relating to a use of certain alloys for solar cell fabrication. ARCO

Solar Ind. 1983.


C . Publications in the field of Stress in Films

and related areas

This Section comprises 83 items, among them 39 without co-authors, including

the book, item 51 and the c!iapter in a book, item 12S.

51. M.Ya. Popereka. Internal Stresses in Electrolytically Deposited Metals. Novosibirsk State PubU House, 1966.

The book was translated into English and published by NBS and NSF in 1970. (~*)~ 350 pages.

52. M.Ya. Popereka. Determination of Internal Stress in Coatings by Bending a Flat Substrate. Zavodskaya

Laboratoriya (Factory Lab~. 23, 1957, 720—725. (*)

53. M.Ya. Popereka. The Use of a Mirror Device for the Study of Internal Stress in Films. Zavodskaya lab., 24,

1958, 366—367 (*)

54. M.Ya. Popereka, K. Frusiri, A. Familtsev and A. Fractor. Determination of Internal Stress in Films.

Zavodskaya Lab., 24, 1958, 1164-1165 (*)

55. M.Ya. Popereka. Investigation of Electrocrystailizatiori Stress in Films. Zavodsk. Lab., 27, 1961, 1135—1138

(* )

56. M.Ya. Popereka. Calculation of Spontaneous Stress in Films from deformations of Substrates and from

Force—Factors. In coil. “Electrodeposited

Films”, pp. 3—84. Kalinin University, 1970..

57. M.Ya. Popereka. Calculation of Spontaneous Volume Change of Films. In coll. “Electrodeposited Films”, pp.

85-88. Kaiinin Univ., 1970.

58. M.Ya. Popereka. On Origin of Internal Stress in Electrolytically Deposited Films. Fizika metallov and

Metaliovedenie (Physics of Metals and Metallography). 20., 1965, 753—762. (~)

59. M.Ya. Popereka. Theory of Formation of Internal Stresses in Coatings. Proceedings of the 3rd International

Congress on Metallic Corrosion. v. 3, p. 350-357, Moscow, 1967. (Russian; there is also an ~nglish edition)


60. M.Ya. Popereka. Change of Stress in Zinc Deposits after Deposition. Russ. J. Appl. Chem., 36, 1963, 1748—

1756. (*)

61. M.Ya. Popereka. Primary and Secondary Internal Stress in Zinc and Cadmium deposits. Russ. J. Appl. Chem.,

39, 1965, 2103-2108. (*)

62. M.Ya. Popereka and 0. Avramenko. Bismuth Electrodeposits with High Internal Stress. J. Phys. Chem.

USSR, 39,1965, 561-568. (*)

63. M.Ya. Popereka and K. Frusin. Measurement of Internal Stress in Films by means of a disc substrate with an

external ohmic lead.

Bull. Acad. Sci. of k’azakhstan, No 2, pp. 84-91, 1958.


64. M.Ya. Popereka and 0.Avramenko. Elëctrocrystallization Stress in

Bismuth Deposits. J.Phys. Chexn. USSR, 37, 1963, 1165—1167 (*}

65. M.Ya. Popereka. Internal Stress in Lead Deposits. J. Phys. Chern. USSR,

39, 1965, 1321—1327. (2*)

66. M.Ya. Popereka. Theory Of Stress Origin in Films, of Low-~Melting Point Metals. J. Phys. Chein. USSR, 40,

1966, J1347~1352.(*)

67. M.Ya. Popereka and V. Avramenko. Internal Stress in Cadmium electro— deposited with a superimposed

alternating current. J. Phys. Chein. USSR, 39~ 1965, 1875—1879 (2*)

68. N.Ya. Popereka and V. Avramenko. Internal Stress in Chromium deposited with a superimposition of an

alternation current. Protection of Metals (in Russian~Zashchita Metaliov} 1, 1965, 539—542. (i~

69. M.Ya. Popereka and V. Avramenko. Affect of Sine Shaped Current on Cobalt eiectrocrystallization.

(.Internal Stress, Structure, Microhardness). Elektrokhixniya (Electrochemistry) 1, 1965, 89A—899~ C2*)..

70. M.Ya. Popereka and V. Avramenko. Physi~cai and mechanical properties of

Bismuth eiectrodepos.ited with a superimposed alternating current.

Izvestiya Vysshykh Uchebnikh Zavedeniy SSSR (Transactions of the Higher

Education Institutions of the USS1~ , .Metallurgy series. NO 4, 19.65, 84-90. (2*)

71. M.Ya. Popereka and V. Koshmanov. Influence of organic additives on crystallization stress and structure of

zinc deposits. Ibid, No 1, 1965,

73~79. (2*)

72. M.Ya. Popereka and 0. Avramenko. Influence of inorganic salts on structure and internal stress. of bismuth

deposits. Izvestiya Vysschikh Uchebnykh Zaved.. USSR , Chemical series. 7, i9..6.4, 73-79.. (~

73. ~M.Ya. Popereka. Classification of Electrodeposited Metals According to the Sign of Internal Stress.

Elektrokhimiya, 21 19.66, 402-405 (2*)

74. M.Ya. Popereka axis K. Siletskaya. Cobalt Electrokrystallizati.on from Acetic Electrolyte.

Elektrokhimiya, 2, 1966, 838—842. (2*)

75. M.Ya. Popereka and K. Siletskaya. Internal Stress in Electrodeposited Cobalt. In coil. “Electrodeposition of

Metals”, Novos,ibirsk, 1965, pp 5-15.

76. M.Ya. Popereka. Secondary Internal Stress in Zinc Deposits. Russ. J. Appl. Chem., 37, 1964, 547~553 (2*)

77. M.Ya. Popereka. Method for calculation of internal stress in films. In coIl. “Electrodeposition of Metals”,

Novosibirsk, 19.65, pp. 82-93.

78. M.Ya. Popereka. Determination of real internal stress in films. In coil. “Electrodeposition of Metals”,

Novosibirsk, 19.65, pp. 94-108.

79. M.Ya. Popereka. Internal Stress in Eiectrodeposited Gallium. In coil. “Electrochemistry of Metals”, Kalinin,

1968, pp. 70-81.


80. M.Ya. Popereka, V.Koshmanov and M.Shageev. Cathodic polarization, growth of crystals and internal stresse

in iron electrodeposited from sukfate electrolyte. In coil. “Electrochemistry of Metals”’ Kalinin, 1968, pp.


81. M.Ya. Popereka and V. Koshmanov. Influence of organic additives on internal stresses in iron films. Soviet

Materials Science, 2, 1966, 641—645 (2*)

82. M.Ya. Popereka and A. Pishikin. Spontaneous Stress in electrodeposited Rhenium—Nickel Films. In coil.

“Electrodeposited Films”, Kalinin, 1970, pp. 96-105.

83. M.Ya. Popereka, A. Martynova and N. Shluger. Spontaneous Stress in electrodeposited films of Chromium-

Selenium and Chromium-Selenium-

- Teilurioum alloys. In coil. “Eiectrodeposited Films”, Kalinin, 1970, pp. 106—113.

84. M.Ya. Popereka and V. Balagurov. Young Moduli and Poisson ratios of electrodeposited Nickel-Rhenium

Films. In coil. “Eiectrodeposited Films”, Kalinin, 1970, pp. 125—131.

85. M.Ya. Popereka. Investigation of Elasticity Characteristics of Anisotropic Films by the Deformation

Measurements. In coil. “Electrodeposited Films”, Kaiinin, 1970, pp. 51—59.

86. M.Ya. Popereka and A. Fedorov. Investigation of Spontaneous Stress in Films at an arbitrary Time after

Deposition. In coil. “Eiectrodeposited Films”, Kaiinin, 1970, pp. 70—80.

87. M.Ya. Popereka and V. Lebedeva. Methods for Measurement of Internal Stress. In coil. “Methods of Control

of Films”, v.2, MDNTP publ., Moscow, 1966, pp. 76—82.

88. M.Ya. Popereka. Deyices for measurement of Internal Stresses in coatings. Mashinostroenie and Energetica

Kazakhstana (Machine Building and Power Plants of Kazakhstan), 5, 1961, pp. 22-25.

89.M.Ya. Popereka. Postelectrolysis processes in Zinc deposits. In coil. “Proceedings of the Scientific Conf. of th~


Polytechnic Institute”, Krasnoyarsk, 1963, pp. 27-28.

90. M.Ya. Popereka and V. Zakharova. Secondary Processe~in Cadmium Films. Ibid., pp. 31—32.

91. M.Ya. Popereka and 0. Avramenko. Certain Properties of Bismuth films. Ibid, pp. 33—34.

92. M.Ya. Popereka and four co—authors. Discussion of Internal Stress Measurements in films. J. Phys Ch.

USSR,39, 1965, 527—530 (2*)

93. M.Ya. Popereka. Method of computation of real stress in films. Zavodskaya Lab., 30, 1964, 476—480. (2*)


94. M.Ya. Popereka and N. Shageev. Mechanical Stresses in Tin Deposits. Proceedings of the All-Union Tin

Research Institt~3, Novosibirsk, 1964, pp. 53—61.

95. M.Ya. Popereka and V. Koshmanov. Influence of organic additives on Microstructure and Internal

Stresses in Zinc. Izvestiya Vyschikh Uchebnikh Zavedeniy SSSR, Chemical series, 7, 1964, 967—972.

96. M.Ya. Popereka and V. Koshmanov. Microhardness of Electrodeposited Zinc. In coil. “Proceedings of the

Sci. Conf. on Machine Building”, v. 2, pp. 143—147, Novosibirsk, 1964.

97. M.Ya. Popereka and V. Avramenko. Influence of the AC superimposition on. the internal stress of zinc

electrodeposited in the presence of organic additives. In coil. “Electrodeposition of Metals”, Novosibirsk,

1965, pp. 15—24.

98. M.Ya. Popereka. The changes in the microstructure of Zinc and Bismuth deposits after deposition. Ibid, pp.


99. M.Ya. Popereka and A. Pishikin. Investigation of the ageing process in Zinc, Bismuth and Cadmium deposits

by the measurement of the eiectroresistance. Ibid, pp. 32—40.

100. M.Ya. Popereka and V. Zakharova. Microstructure of Zinc Deposits. Ibid, pp. 41—51.

101. M.Ya. Popereka and N. Shageev. Mechanical Stresses in Tin electrodeposited in the presence of organic

additives. Ibid, pp. 109—119.

102. MYa. Popereka and V. Kosbmanov. tnfluence of Cathodic Material on Internal Stresses in Deposits. Russ.

J. Appl. Chem., 38, 1965, 1296—1300 (2*)

103. M.Ya. Popereka and V. Lebedeva. Internal Stress in Antimony electrodeposited frt~n7 a chloroant ~monate

electrolyte. Elektrokhimiya, 1, 1965, 723—726. (~)

104. M.Ya. Popereka and V. Koshmanov. Influence of the solution composition on the structure and internal

stress of Zinc deposits. Russ. J.

Appl. Chem., 38, 1965, 2011—2017. (2*)

105. M.Ya. Popereka. Structure and Internal Stress of Electrolytically deposited Metals. In coil. “Theory and

Practice Of Metals Electrodeposition”. Riga, 1965, pp. 3-5.

106. M.Ya. Popereka and V. Avramenko. Influence of Sine Shaped AC on Structure and Internal Stress of

Electrodeposited. Zinc.

J. Phys. Chem. USSR, 40, 1966, 203—207. (*)

107. M.Ya. Popereka and A. Pishikin. Internal Stress in Rhenium and Rhenium-Nickel alloy deposits. In coil.

“Proceedings of the 10th Scientific Conf. of the Novosibirsk Institute of Education”, Novosibirsk, 1966,

pp. 69-73.


108. M.Ya. Popereka. Theory of Internal Stress in Electrodeposited Films. In coil. “The 3rd International

Congress on Metallic Corrosion”, Moscow, 1966, pp. 347-349. (2*)

109. M.Ya. Popereka and O.Avramenko. Influence of organic additives on

Structure and Internal Stress of Electrodeposited Bismuth.

Izvestiya Vyschikh Uchebnikh Zavedeniy SSSR, Chemical series.

10, 1967, 198—202. (2*)

110. * M.Ya. Popereka and V. Lebedeva. Influence of organic additives on Initial Internal Stress in

Electrodeposited Copper. Protection of Metals (Russ.) 3, 1967, 605—609. (2*)

ill. M.Ya. Popereka and V. Avramenko. Method for the Measurement of Internal Stress by a bending of a Disc

Substrate. In coil. “Proceedings of the Conference on Electronic Devices”, pp. 79-84. Novosibirsk, 1968.

112. M.Ya. Popereka and V. Avramenko. Electrocrystallization Stress in Films. In coil. “QuaLity in Mechanical

Engineering”, pp. 123-129. Dniepropetrovsk, 1968.

113. M.Ya. Popereka and V. Lebedeva. Microstructure and Internal Stress in Copper Electrodeposited from

sulfate and pyrophosphate electrolytes. In coil. “Electrochemistry of Metals”, pp. 38-47,

Kalinin, 1968.

114. M.Ya. Popereka and V. Lebedeva. Method for the Determination of Internal Stress by a bending of a Semi-

Circular Substrate. Ibid, pp. 112—118.

115. M.Ya. Popereka. Method for Experimental Determination and

Calculation of Anisotropic Macrostresses in Anisotropic

Films on Alien Substrates. In coIl. “Proceedings of the 2nd

Scientific Conf. of City of Kalinin”, pp. 273-278, Kalinin, 1969.

116. M.Ya. Popereka. Determination of Anisotropic Spontaneous Macrostress in Films. In coil. “The All-Union

Conf. on Residual Stress pp.17-29. Kharkov, 1969.

117. Method for Determination of Internal Stress on Moving Substrates. Ibid. pp. 30—35.

118. M.Ya. Popereka. Theory of the origin of spontaneous macrostress in galvanic coatings. Ibid. pp. 50-62.

119. M.Ya. Popereka and V. Balaqurov. Internal Stress in Nickel Films Deposited in Magnetic Field. Ibid.pp.


120. M.Ya. Popere]ca. Measurement of Internal Stress in Anisotropic Deposits and on Moving Substrates. In

coil. “The All-Union Conf. on Electrochemistry”, pp. 572-578. Tbilissi, 1969.


121. M.Ya. Popereka and S. Rabinovich. Method for the Determination of Internal Stress. Pat. USSR 1352864,

June 25, 1969. (*)

122. M.Ya. Popereka and V. Bystrov. Device with automatic recording for the measurement of stress in

growing films. In coil. Eiec— trodeposited Films, pp. 89-95, Kalinin, 1970.

123. M.Ya. Popereka. Discussion of Formulae for Calculation of Stress. Ibid, 183—201.

124. M.Ya. Popereka. DeterminatiOn of Spontaneous Microstress in Films prom a bending of a triple-layer

substrate. In coil. “Physics of Films”, v.1, pp. 58—69. Kalinin Univ., 1972.

125. M.Perakh (M.Ya. Popereka). Calculation of MacrostresS in Deposits. Chapter in the book “Properties of

EiectrOdepOsitsTheir Measurement and Significance”. Publ. by the Electrochefll. Soc.,Inc, New York, NY

1975. pp. 298—326. (*2*)

126. M.Ya. Popereka (M.Perakh). Calculation of Macrostress in Films. Ext. Abstr. 134, v. 74-2, Annual Meeting

of ECS, New York , 1975. pp. 312—314. (*2*)

126. M.Ya. Popereka. Spontaneous MacrostreSS in Crystalline, Amorphous and Mixed Films of

ElectrodepOsited Semi-Conductor Bi-Se.

ElectrodepositiOn and Surface Treatment. 2, 1974, pp. 447~453. (*2*)

127. M.Perakh. Determination of Spontaneous MacrostresS in Deposits by ~estraining/RestOring Force Version

of Strip Bending and Spiral Twisting Methods. Surface TechnolOgy, 4, 1976, 565-588. (*2*)

128. D4.Perakh. Dilatometric method of Determination of Spontaneous Stress in Deposits. Part 1: General

Considerations, equipment. Surface TechnolOgy, 4, 1976, 527—537. (**)~

129. D4.Perakh, idem, Part 2: Calculation of Stress. 4, 1976, 538—564 (*2*)

130. M.Perakh (M.Ya. Popereka) Determination of Spontaneous MacrostresS on Moving Substrates.

ElectrodepOsition and Surface Treatment,

3, 1975, 274— 281. (*2*)

131. N. Perakh. Stress Measurement on Moving Substrates. Ext. Abstr. The Electrochem. Soc., Inc. Annual

Meeting, 1974, New York, NY.

132. M.Perakh. On the Internal Stress Measurement. Plating, June 1975, pp. 629—631. (*2*)

133. M.Per&kh. Automatic Compensation for the substrate Thermal Elongation in DilatOmetric Device for

Internal Stress Measurement. IBM Technical Disclosures Bull., 22, No 8b,l980. (*2*)

134. M.Perakh. Internal Stress in Deposits. Surface Technology, 19, 1983,

289—292. (*2*)


D. Publications in the fields of electrochemical processes, adsorption and


This Section comprises 59 items. 15 are without co-authors.

135. M.Ya. Popereka and V. Lebedeva. Method of hysteresis loops “current-potential” and its application for

the study of cathodic processes. Elektrokhimiya, 3, 1967, 436—440. (2*)

136. M.Ya. Popereka. Loops of Adsorption-Desorption Hysteresis controlled by the Diffusion Process.

Elektrokhimiya, 6, 1970, 824-829. (2*)

137. M.Ya. Popereka. Calculation of Dynamic Volt-Amperic Curves on Solid Electrode. (Theory of Adsorption-

Desorption Hysteresis Loops). Eiektrokhimiya, 5,1969, 1399—1404. (2*)

138. M.Ya. Popereka. Loops of Adsorption-Desorption Hysteresis on Solid Electrode. In coil. “Electrochemistry of

metals”, pp. 17-37, Kalinin, 1968.

139. M.Ya. Popereka, V. lebedeva and S. Zharov. Method of adsorptiondesorption parametric resonance. In coil.

“Adsorption on Electrodes”, Proceedings of the All-Union Symposium, Tartu, 1970. pp. 305-308.

140. M.Ya. Popereka. Investigation of Adsorption on Solid Electrodes based on a Harmonic Synthesis of

Hysteresis Loops “Current—Potential”. In coil. “Investigations of electrodeposition and dissolution of

Metals”, Publ. by the Elektrokhimiya magazine, Moscow, 1971. pp. 57-66.

141. M.Ya. Popereka and V. Lebedeva. Potentiostatic Faradometry -Method of Quantitative Study of Adsorption

on Solid Electrode. Part 1: Theoretical Treatment. In coil. ½hysics of Films”, V. 2, pp. 3—25. Kalinin, 1972.

142. M.Ya. Popereka and V. Romanov. Potentiostatic chroaofaradometry. Part 2: Chronofaradometric curves.

Ibid, pp. 26-30.

143. M.Ya. Popereka. Adsorption-Desorption Hysteresis of Dynamic VoltAmperic Curves with Linear Sweep of

Potential. Ibid, pp. 57-65.

144. M.Ya. Popereka and A. Pishikin. Steady-state Potentials of Eiectrodeposited Nickel—Rhenium Films.

Protection of Metals (Russ.) 6, 1970, 535—537. (*)

145. M.Ya. Popereka and V. Avramenko. Cathodic Process of Cobalt Electrodeposition With Superimposition of

AC. Ukrainian Journal of Chemistry, 36,

1970, 1223—1228. (2*)

146. M.Ya. Popereka and 0. Avramenko. Electrodeposition of Bismuth from a chiorobismutate electrolyte. In coil.

“Electrochemistry of Metals”, pp. 82—93, Kalinin, 1968.


147. M.Ya. Popereka and V. Avramenko. Selection of Elements of Electrochemical Circuits with AC. In coil.

“Electrochemistry of Metals”, pp. 101—Ill, Kalinin, 1968.

148. M.Ya. Popereka and V. Avramenko. Influence of Organic Additives and AC on the cathodic Polarization

of Electrodeposited Iron. Protection of Metals (Russ.) 3, 1967, 239—242. (2*)

149. M.Ya. Popereka and V. Lebedeva. Electrodeposition of Copper in the Presence of Organic Substances

Containing Nitrogen. Protection of Metals (Russ),

3, 1967, 322—327 (2*)

150. M.Ya. Popereka and V. Avramenko. Electrodeposition of Iron with AC. Elektrokhimiya, 2, 1966, 971—

974. (2*)

151. M.Ya. Popereka and V. Lebedeva. Eiectrodeposition of Copper in the presence of organic additives. Part 1:

Amino-acids. Elektrokhimiya,

3, 1967, 1454—1458. (2*)

152. M.Ya. Popereka and A. Pishikin. Kinetic of Cathodic Process of Nickel - Rhenium alloy electrodeposition.

Russ. J. Appl. Chem., 44, 1971, 1015—1020. (2*)

153. M.Ya. Popereka and A. Pishikin. Preparation of eright Nickel-Rhenium Coatings. In coil: “Preparation of

Bright and Combined Coatings”, MDNTP Publ., Moscow, 1967, pp. 3-17.

154. M.Ya. Popereka and V. Lebedeva. Influence o~ organic additives on Copper Electrodeposition.

Elektrokhimiya, 4, 1968, 79-81. (2*)

155. M.Ya. Popereka and V. Avramenko. Effect of a Sine-Shaped Current on

Cobalt Electrocrystallizatiofl. Part 1: Cathode Efficiency, Cathode

OvervoJAage, pH of the layer adjacent to the cathodic surface

Elektrokhimiya, 1, 1965, 524—531. (2*)

156. M.Ya. Popereka and A. Bylina. Influence of AC on the microstructure of Electrodeposited Zinc. In coll.

*Electrodeposition of Metals”, pp. 55—61, Novosibirsk, 1965.

157. M.Ya. Popereka and A. Zakharova. Influence of Organic Cations on the Micro~tructure of Electrodeposited

Zinc. Ibid, pp. 62-66.

158. M.Ya. Popereka and 0. Avramenko. Microstructure of Electrodeposited Bismuth. Ibid, pp. 67-77.

159. M.Ya. Popereka and 0. Avramenko. Eiectrodeposition of Bismuth and Properties of the deposits. Russ. J.

Appl. Chem., 38, 1965, 1783—1789 (2*)

160. M.Ya. Popereka and V. Avramenko. Influence of AC on the cathodic process, Structure and Properties of

Electrodeposits. In coil. “Theory and Practice of Eiectrodeposition of Metals.” Riga, 1965. pp. 7-11.


161. M.Ya. Popereka and V. Koshmanov. Cathode Overvoltage and Internal Stress in Iron Electrodeposited from

Cold Electrolyte.

In coil. “Proceedings of a Conf. on Electrodeposition”, pp. 13-17, Krasnoyarsk, 1965.

162. M.Popereka and V. Avramenko. Mechanism of the Coumarin and para—toluene sulfonamide influence on

the Nickel Electrodeposition. Protection of Metals (Russ), 2, 1966, 206-212. (2*)

163. M.Ya. Popereka and K. Siietskaya. Influence of Organic Additives on Physical and Mechanical Properties

of Electrodeposited Cobalt. In coIl. “Proceedings of the 10th Sci. Conf. of the Novosibirsk Institute of

Education”. pp. 71-72, Novosibirsk, 1966.

164. M.Ya.Popereka and V. Lebedeva. Influence of Additives on the Cathodic Process and Properties of Copper

Deposits. Ibid, pp. 73-74.

165. M.Ya. Popereka and O.Avramenko. Differential Capacity of Bismuth Electrode. Ibid, pp. 77-79.

166. M.Ya. Popereka. A novel method of Electrochemical research— Hysteresis Loops of Potential. Ibid, pp 80-


167. M.Ya. Popereka and V. Avramenko. Differential Capacity of Cobalt Electrode. Ibid, pp. 84-86.

168. M.Ya. Popereka. Determination of Potentials of Maximum Adsorption on Solid Electrodes by Hysteresis

Loops of Potential. In coil. “Proceedings of the Republican Conf. on Electrochemistry”, pp. 63-67.

Dnepropetrovsk, 1966.

169. M.Ya. Popereka and V. Lebedeva. Investigation of the Behavior of Organic Additives in the process of

Copper Electrodeposition. In coil. “Proceedings of:the All-Union Conf. on Electrochemistry, pp. 73-78.

Dnepropetrovsk, 1967.

170. M.Ya. Popereka and V. Avramenko. Nickel Electrodeposition in the Presence of Levelling Agents and

Brighteners. In coil. “Theory and Practice of Nickel Electrodeposition”, pp. 173-178. Vilnius, 1967.

171. M.Ya. Popereka and V. Avramenko. Differential Capacity of Cobalt Electrode . In coil. “Quality in

Mechanical Engineering”, pp. 97-102. Dnepropetrovsk, 1968.

172. M.Ya. Popereka and 0. Avramenko. Bismuth Eiectrodeposition From a Chlorobismutate Electrolyte. In

coil. “Modern Advances in ~iectropiating” ‘pp. 71-75. Kharkov, 1968.

173. M,Ya. Popereka and A. Pishikin. Eiectrodeposition of Nickel-Rhenium Alloy. Ibid. pp. 75-78.


174. M.Ya. Popereka ans V. Avramenko. Eiectrodeposition of Metals with Superimposed AC. Ibid, pp. 79-83.

175. M.Ya. Popereka and A. Pishikin. Eiectrodeposition of Rhenium-Nickel Alloys in a Wide Range of

Compositions. In coil. “Electrodeposition of Alloys”, v.2, pp. 17-21. Leningrad, 1968.

176. M.Ya. Popereka and 0. Avramenko. Certain Properties of the Chlorobismutate Electrolyte. In coil.

“Proceedings of the Conf. on Electronic Devices”, pp. 63—67. Novosibirsk, 1968.

177. M.Ya. Popereka and V. Avramenko. Certain Problems of Nickel Electrodeposition with a Superimposed

AC. In coil. Electrochemistry of Metals”, pp. 5-16. Kaiinin, 1968.

178. M.Ya. Popereka and V. Lebedeva. Behavior of Coumarine, Furfuroie and Alcohols in the Process of

Copper Electrodeposition. Ibid, pp. 46—56.

179. M.Ya. Popereka and A. Pishikin. Electrodeposition of Rhenium and Re-Ni Alloys. In coil. “Proceed. of the

10th Sci. Conf. Novosibirsk Institute of Education”, pp. 83-87, Novosibirsk, 1968.

ISO. M.Ya. Popereka. Study of Quantitative Characteristics of Adsorption by means of a Fourier analysis of

Adsorption—Desorption Hysteresis Loops. In coil. “Proceedings of the 2nd Sci. Conf. City of Kalinin”, pp.

143—148, Kaiinin, 1969.

181. M.Ya. Popereka and A. Pishikin. Features of the Cathodic Process of the Re-Ni alloy Eiectrodeposition. In

coil. “Proc. of the All—Union Conf. on Electrochemistry”, pp. 623—627. Tbiiissi, 1969.

182. M.Ya. Popereka. Determination of Kinetic and Equilibrium Parameters of the Langmuire adsorption by

Means of a Simulation of the Adsorption-DesOrptiOfl Hysteresis Loops by a Series of Harmonics. Ibid, pp.


183. M.Ya. Popereka. V. Lebedeva and V. Avramenko. Deposition of Bright Coatings. In coil. “Use of

Decorative Coatings in Design”, pp. 73-77, Moscow, 1969.

184. M.Ya. Popereka. Principal Features of the Potentiostatic Chronofaradometry. In coil. “Influence of Organic

Additives on Cathodic Reduction and Anodic Dissolution of Metals”, pp. 43-47. Dnepropetrovsk, 1970.

185. M.Ya. Popereka and V. Lebedeva. Hysteresis Losses in the Process of Adsorption on Solid Electrode with a

Superimposed Harmonic potential. In coii)’Physics of Films”, v.2, pp. 45—49. Kalinin, 1972.

186. M.Ya. Popereka and V. Lebedeva. Relation Between Pseudocapacity of Adsorption and the Loops of

Adsorption-DeSOrptiOn Hysteresis on a Solid Electrode. Ibid, pp. 40-44.


187. M.Ya. Popereka, V. Avramenko and 0. Avramenko. Behavior of Colloidal Adsorption Layers in the Process

of Tin Eiectrodeposition with a Superimposed AC. Ibid, pp. 57-65.

188. M.Ya. Popereka. Methods for Quantitative Study of Adsorption on Solid Electrodes. In coil. “Proc. of the

25th Conf. of the International Society of Electrochemistry”, pp. 301—307. Brighton, 1974 (**)

189. M.Perakh, V. Shargorodsky, H. Ginsburg, L. Rubinstein and E. Salomon. Process of Chrome Plating.

Patent issued in Israel, W. Germany and

C. Britain (Original Israeli Pat. 41047 of 1975) (**)

190. ~.Perakh, V. Shargorodsky, E. SalomOn, H. Ginsburg and L. Rubinstein.

Process of Chromium Electroplating with Extremely High Speed.

Patent issued in Israel, W. Germany, G. Britain, France, Canada and

U.S.A. (The U.S. Pat. 4,234,396 of March 7, 1979). (**)

191. M.Perakh, V. Shargorodsky, H. Ginsburg, L. Rubinstein and E. Salomon. Chromispei, a novel Process of

Chromouni Electroplating. Patent issued in 6 countries (Initial Israeli Pat. 18365 of 1978). (**)

192. M.Ya. Popereka. Potentiostatic Chronocapacitometry, a method for quantitative study of adsorption on solid

electrodes. (To be printed in Israeli J. of Chemistry, special isuue on Electrochemistry, ed. by

E. Giieadi). 20 typewritten pages. (**)

193. M.Perakh. Self-pumping Rotating Cell with Heiicoidai Interior for Uniform Plating of Wires. IBM Corp.

Technical Disclos. Bull, 22, No 8a, 1980 (**)

194. M.Ya. Perakh and L.T. Romankiw. Ultrasonic Device for Selective Electroplating, IBM Corp. Techn. Discl.

Bull., 22, No 9c, 1980 (**)

195. M.Ya. Perakh and L.T. Romankiw. Jet Electroplating/Etching in Micron range (To be published, 20

typewritten pages). (**)

196. M.Perakh. Chromispel, Novel Process of Chromium Electroplating with an Extremely High Efficiency. In

coil. ‘Proc. of the 10 th World Congress on Metal Finishing”, pp. 84-87. Tokyo, 1980. (**)

197. N. Perakh. Primary Current Distribution in~Slot Type Cell. (To be published, 25 typewritten pages) (**)

198. M.Perakh. Deliberate Redestribution of Current Density by Means of a Slot Cell with a Regulated Partition.

Patent Disclosure, ARCO Solar md., 1983 (**)


E. Miscellaneous publications

This Section comprises 14 items. 13 are without co-authors

including the book, item 199.

199. M.Ya. Popereka. Influence of the Difference in the Roller Size on the Durability and Rotation Smoothness

in Roller Bearings.

Publ. by Odessa Polytechnic Institute, Odessa, 1949. 190 pages.

200. D4.Ya. Popereka. Investigation of Critical Speeds of Rapidly Rotating Shafts. Doklady Akademii Nauk

Tadjikistana, NO 10, pp. 81-85, Dushanbe, 1954.

201. M.Ya. Popereka. Distribution of Load in Radial Bearings Depending on the Precision of Rollers and Balls.

Doklady Academii Nauk Tadj., NO 13, pp. 65—70, 1954.

202. M.Ya. Popereka. Distribution of Load upon E1em~nts of a Radial Bearing Depending on the Rigidity of the

Frame. Dokiady Academii Nauk Tadj., No 14, pp. 65—69, 1955.

203. M.Ya. Popereka. Utilization of Golitsin Paralleiepipeds for the Measurement of Seismic Acceleration. Bull,

of the Nature Sciences Division of the Acad1 Sci. of Tadjicistan,NO 9, pp. 57—62, 1955.

204. M.Ya. Popereka and V.B. Liadski. Influence of the Turning Operating

Conditions on th~ Roughness of the Turned Surface. Bull, of the

Nature Sciences Div. of the Acad. of Sciences of Tadj., No 9, pp.

63—67, 1955.

205. Influence of the Rollers Precision on Pulsations in Roller Bearings. Doklady Acad. Nauk Tadj., No 15, pp.

51-55, 1955.

206. M.Ya. Popereka~ Tolerance to the Diameter Precision of Rolling Bodies as a Factor of Bearings Durability.

Doklady Acad. Nauk Tadj., No 15, pp. 45—49, 1955.

207. M.Ya. Popereka. Overturning Bodies by Earthquakes. Bull, of the Nature Sciences Division of the Acad. of

Sciences of Tadj., NO 13, pp. 167—171, 1955.

208. M.Ya. Popereka. Device for Manufacturing Lattices of Ohmic Gauges. Mashinostroenie i Energetika

Kazakhstana, 4, 1961, 53-54.

209. M.Ya. Popereka. Swelling Kinetics of Polymer Films by the Flexible Strip Bending Method. Kolloidny

Zhurnal AN SSSR

(J. Coll. Chem., Acad. of Sci. USSR), 23, 1961, 761—764. (*)

210. M.Ya. Popereka. Device for Wear Tests of Thin Films. Zavodskaya Laboratoriya (Factory Lab), 29, 1963,

1137-1139. (*)

211. N. Perakh. Utilization of Western Technological Advances in the USSR. NATO Colloquium “East-West

Technological Coperation”, Brussels, 1976. (20 pages) (**),